Friday, October 31, 2014

I was just experimenting with Google Plus (hereinafter known as "Gargle Pus" -- at least to me), and saw there was a way to link one's blog postings to it (presumably to help jam them further down people's throats, as every time one made a posting, it'd show up in X-tuplicate all over the place on one's friends/acquaintances/whatever timelines).

I considered doing so until I saw the warning about it not being "adult" material, and having to comply with their TOS (

Now, don't get me wrong: I neither have nor had any intentions of posting anything pornographic, links to warez, KP or the like; my point was merely to have a stream-of-consciousness type of writing which was recorded and available for others to view, and by that very definition, it's unfiltered, uncensored, and could possibly contain something which, I am positive, can and will be deemed offensive by someone, somewhere, at some point time.

Given the thoughts which the mind of Your Humble Narrator is able to produce sans stimuli of any sort...Well, to call them 'evil', wouldn't necessarily be too far off-track (not saying I believe in 'evil' in any moral fashion, absolutist or otherwise, but I digress). Suffice to say, I've got all manner of things, both fair and foul, in my mind, and I'm certain by the time I've finished shaving in the morning, chances are I've already entertained a half-dozen thoughts which would horrify most ordinary people into an ischemic attack.

Given some of the unbelievably terrible shit I've seen, endured, been witness to, and (perhaps) even engaged in throughout my life, add that level of horror to this particularly original squirming brain, and an entirely new dimension of mental disturbance is born. The only reason I've refrained from sharing that manner of things here is I'd prefer to reserve it for a larger stage (i.e., books and the like, which are just large enough and therefore just the right environment for the foul spawn of my disordered brain to spread their wings to their full span and, given room to maneuver, take flight) rather than here.

Even reserving the best (or worst, given one's opinion) of that manner of thing for a more appropriate place, I am reasonably certain the lesser offspring of my mind are the sort of things guaranteed to not merely leave a stain on your soul, but likely unto that of the generation beyond the next, which is just a fancy way of saying I've got things rattling around in my gulliver so heinous they'll ensure your grandchildren's grandchildren are born deformed.

Given that this is to be uncensored, off the top of my head stuff, having to invoke the internal critic while writing stuff down seems, at least to me, to defeat the purpose, so I suppose I'll be taking a pass on that.

TL;DR Summary: 

If I have to choose between self-censorship and a narrower audience, I'll take the latter.


Post scriptum: Lest it needs be said...for the record, No, I do NOT have thoughts of child molestation in my head (having seen the bit in their content restrictions about KP and the thought of people reading this and immediately deciding I'm to be kept far away from their children, I wanted to make it clear that I am, strangely enough, child-safe. Some have even said I generally have a decent rapport with children, though honestly there's nothing to getting along with kids...And again, I digress). Honestly, while I could be accused of many things, being into KP is not one of them: I personally find it repellant on a number of levels.

You know what, though? If it were my thing, then by gh0d, you can be sure I'd damned well be talking about it! Now THAT'S committing oneself to some real liberty-limiting honesty right there, eh...? :D

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